Taurus Season Horoscopes 2024

Taurus Season Horoscopes 2024

Taurus season horoscopes are here! Ruled by Venus…we hope they’ll help you appreciate the beauty around you (and we love hearing how Birthdate Co. adds beauty to your life!)

April 20th - May 20th

Our Lead Astrologer, Erin River Sunday, writes these horoscopes based on your Sun and Rising/Ascendant sign. Don’t know your Rising Sign? The Birthdate Book can help!


Aries ✧ 

This season is likely to bring big surprises to your values, Aries. If a sudden opportunity to make money presents itself, embrace it. While the Jupiter Uranus conjunction happening at the very start of this season is BIG news, Taurus season as a whole is much more chill than your season last month. Mercury stations direct in your home sign on April 25th and things will (slowly) start to get back to normal. Mars will then enter your home sign on April 30th, giving you super charged energy for the month of May. Embrace this window as a period to ground a few of your grand ideas.


Taurus ✧

This season is likely to bring big surprises to your identity, Taurus. Your boundaries are expanding. You know where to go next. The Jupiter Uranus conjunction on April 20th is happening in your HOME SIGN and that's very big news. There's no way around it anymore...you're changing in a radical way. Mercury stations direct on April 25th which will begin to settle things back into a routine like you prefer, then Venus enters your home sign on April 29th. You'll be feeling the love in May, celebrating a New Moon in your home sign on May 7th. Enjoy your birthday season by leaning into the magic of your senses.


Gemini ✧

This season is likely to bring big surprises to your private life, Gemini. You may experience a breakthrough on a hidden project. The Jupiter Uranus conjunction could send shockwaves through your dream space, as well, so play close attention to any intuitive hits coming through early in the season. Your ruling planet, Mercury, will station direct on April 25th, which is an especially charged day for you. Things will finally start to smooth our and clarity will return! Take as much solo time as you need this season to rest and relax. You might be releasing certain people or behaviors before you greet your solar return next season.


Cancer ✧

This season is likely to bring big surprises to your collectives, Cancer. Stay open to friends unexpectedly offering major support. While the Jupiter Uranus conjunction kicks the season off with a bang, things will start to slow down again soon. Specifically on April 25th, Mercury will station direct, and any career snafus you've been navigating the past month will smooth out and resolve themselves. You'll feel continued forward momentum when Venus enters Taurus on April 29th, giving you overwhelming appreciation for the community connections you're establishing. The New Moon on May 7th in the same area of your life is a great time to celebrate friendship.


Leo ✧

This season is likely to bring big surprises to your career, Leo. If you’ve been putting in the work, expect some dreams to be realized! The weekend of April 20th will be a monumental one for how you're seen in the world. Your reputation is growing, perhaps in surprising ways, and the spotlight is bright. Mercury stations direct on April 25th and any frustrations you've had around publishing or travel will begin to subside. Venus enters Taurus on April 29th and for the month of May your career will feel as sweet as honey. Say "YES!" to opportunities that present themselves and especially on the New Moon on May 7th, commit to a building the 2.0 version of yourself at work.


Virgo ✧ 

This season is likely to bring big surprises to your belief systems, Virgo. The visions you held about the world are expanding. Let them. The Jupiter Uranus conjunction might surface some big feelings, but things will begin to smooth out come April 25th. Mercury is your ruling planet, so when it goes direct (or retrograde!) you feel it personally. The month of May will bring a return to clarity you've been craving. Venus enters Taurus on April 29th and will send loving energy your way. This season is much slower than last, and your routines are settling into a supportive rhythm. If you have travel plans, they should be smooth sailing over the coming weeks! Go explore.


Libra ✧

This season is likely to  bring big surprises to your collaborations, Libra. Any supposed debts may be suddenly cleared. Trust the payoff. While the Jupiter Uranus conjunction was likely good for your bank account, this season is still all about unpacking deep wounds for you. The magic arrives when you realize this process can be done slowly, and with love. Healing can't be rushed! Your ruling planet, Libra, enters Taurus on April 29th, and your symbiotic relationships are highlighted. Now is the time to celebrate the people that consistently uplift you and come to your aid right when you need them. Focus on shared resources with the New Moon on May 7th.


Scorpio ✧

This season is likely to bring big surprises to your partnerships, Scorpio. Celebrate the love in your life…especially when it’s unexpected. The Jupiter Uranus conjunction has ensured massive beginnings in your one on one relationships, and that theme continues throughout this season. There's also a Full Moon in your home sign on April 23rd that reminds you, despite all the concentration on the other, that partnerships are equally about you! This is an opportune time to notice how your actions impact your relationships. Your ruling planet, Mars, enters Aries on April 30th and you'll be feeling especially empowered. Don't hesitate to pursue your deepest goals.


Sagittarius ✧

This season is likely to bring big surprises to your daily routines, Sagittarius. When you find yourself unexpectedly in flow state, give thanks. The Jupiter Uranus conjunction is shaking up the way you do business, and even if it feels temporarily disruptive in your daily life...you're setting a new standard for the next 13 years. Notice what habits are habitual and what needs to be shaken up for good! Mars enters Aries on April 30th and it will send a strong current of energy your way. Launch yourself towards the dreams that set your soul on fire! Your ruling planet, Jupiter, changes signs next season, so enjoy the routines you've been able to manifest this past year.


Capricorn ✧

This season is likely to bring big surprises to your creativity, Capricorn. Your muses are showing up in unexpected ways…follow their lead. The Jupiter Uranus conjunction could also spell romance for you, so notice how you're giving and receiving love this season. You might even be interacting with children on a new level, external ones or your own inner-child. Embracing play will help this work unfold in an enjoyable way. There's a New Moon in Taurus on May 7th which marks a great moment to commit to a hobby for the long run. Venus will be on your side for this lunation, so when you hear an inutitive whisper about what to paint, write, or sculpt...lean in.


Aquarius ✧

This season is likely to bring big surprises to your home life, Aquarius. If walls are decidedly coming down…let them fall. The Jupiter Uranus conjunction is making you aware of any cracks in the foundation, so it can be built stronger. If anything on the home front hasn't been on stable ground, this season will show what needs to change. Mercury will station direct on April 25th and assist in this endeavor by offering clarity that's been hard to find. There's a New Moon on May 7th in this area of your life, so use it to manifest what your dream home really feels like (and sounds like, tastes like, and looks like). When your family unit is progressive, your public life will be too.


Pisces ✧

This season is likely to bring big surprises to your conversations, Pisces. It’s time to upend polite conversation and embrace radical ideas. The Jupiter Uranus conjunction could bring shakeups with your siblings or people you consider family...but whatever happens, try to read between the lines. Things will become more clear once Mercury stations direct on April 25th. There's a New Moon in Taurus on Tuesday May 7th and it's an opportune time to voice your needs. If there's something you've been wanting to say and haven't found the words...now is the time to name exactly what you need. Overall, this season is much more your speed than last. Enjoy the beauty!


Erin River Sunday is the Lead Astrologer for Birthdate Co., you can connect with her here.


Taurus Season Keywords: Patience, Luxury, Comfort, Commitment 

  • Planetary/Luminary ruler: Venus 
  • Modality: Fixed
  • Triplicity (Element): Earth
  • Symbol: The Bull 
  • Famous Archetypes: Lizzo, Kelly Clarkson, Gal Gadot, Channing Tatum

Taurus season is a moment to slow down and smell the roses.

Aries season was especially intense this year (with both eclipses and Mercury retrograde happening alongside) and with the Sun now moving into Taurus, we’re all going to slow down and settle into our newly birthed realities. 

Taurus is the first Earth sign and it's also of the fixed modality. In short, that means it's time to get grounded in our senses. While Aries energy is about passionate beginnings and ideation…Taurus knows how to bring those ideas into the physical world.

Over the coming weeks, prioritize moving slowly and with intention. Taurus is ruled by Venus, so it’s also about our connections and feeling the love growing within them. Practice gratitude for the beauty around you and try to contribute to it in any way you can. The seeds planted now will be fruitful. 

Journal prompts to connect with Taurus energy:

  1. What is my relationship with money like right now?
  2. How can I bring more pleasure into my life?
  3. What am I patiently working towards?
  4. When do I feel the most grounded?


In addition to all the regular Taurus season stuff, 2024 features some specific standout moments…

  • Friday, April 19th: Sun enters Taurus
  • Saturday, April 20th: Jupiter conjunct Uranus
  • Sunday, April 21st: Juno stations direct
  • Tuesday, April 23rd: Full Moon in Scorpio
  • Thursday, April 25th: Mercury stations direct
  • Monday, April 29th: Venus enters Taurus
  • Tuesday, April 30th: Mars enters Aries
  • Thursday, May 2nd: Pluto stations retrograde
  • Tuesday, May 7th: New Moon in Taurus
  • Wednesday, May 15th: Mercury enters Taurus


If you'd like to dig a bit deeper and are familiar with your birth chart, check out which house Taurus rules. That's where your energy will be focused throughout Taurus season! And if you're unfamiliar with your chart but curious to learn more, we’ve got a book for that.

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