Aries Season 2025


    Aries season horoscopes are here! Ruled by Mars…we hope they’ll light the match that gets you moving (and we love to hear how Birthdate Co. lights up your life, too!)

    March 20th - April 19

    Our Lead Astrologer, Erin River Sunday, writes these horoscopes based on your Sun and Rising/Ascendant sign. Don’t know your Rising Sign? The Birthdate Book can help!

    Aries ✧ 

    This season is all about you, Aries, and you might be feeling newly inspired. Take advantage of the favorable light and dive into any promising opportunities head first. Everyone is ready to follow your lead.

    Taurus ✧

    You’re cooking something up in secret this season, Taurus. Whether it’s a big project that will take some time to gestate or you just need a solo reset moment…pay attention to insights gleaned from your dreams.

    Gemini ✧ 

    Ever the social butterfly, this might be your busiest moment with friends all year, Gemini, and there could be a few unexpected surprises your circles are offering. Lean in to the people that brighten up your days and embrace new community ties with open arms.


    Cancer ✧ 

    The office is calling this season, Cancer, and you’re at the head of the conference table. If you’ve been shy in the past, you’re now feeling more intuitive than ever about what to do next. Make your next moves with confidence for your dreams.

    Leo ✧ 

    Where are you going, Leo? You’re feeling more daydreamy than ever about your potential for adventure and paving new roads for others while you’re at it. Stay open to refreshed intuitive perspectives.

    Virgo ✧ 

    Healing becomes you this season, Virgo. The coming weeks are an opportunity to address your past wounds head on, and it might feel more spiritual than ever to let them dissolve. Bravery is required, too, but you’re ready to dive deep. 

    Libra ✧ 

    Is that a new lover just around the bend? You’re no stranger to love, Libra, but this season will offer especially charged fresh starts– just be vigilant about removing any potential rose colored glasses. Stay open to possibilities and trust fate to handle the rest.

    Scorpio ✧ 

    It’s time to put in the work, Scorpio, and you’re ready for it armed with a refreshed intuitive perspective by your side. Whether it’s your health, your daily routines, or how they inform each other– pay close attention to any psychic nudges for change.

    Sagittarius ✧ 

    Your creativity is in bloom this season, Sagittarius, and your muses are more spiritual than ever. While the end game might not yet be clear, trust the process by showing up for what sets your soul on fire– getting lost in art will be especially healing.

    Capricorn ✧ 

    Your creativity is in bloom this season, Sagittarius, and your muses are more spiritual than ever. While the end game might not yet be clear, trust the process by showing up for what sets your soul on fire– getting lost in art will be especially healing.

    Aquarius ✧ 

    Pay close attention to the conversations happening around you this season, Aquarius. If you’re lacking clarity, try your best to read between the lines– and try your own hand at communicating more creatively. 

    Pisces ✧ 

    Your values are becoming a lot more spiritual, Pisces, which might have you pursuing your creativity for supplemental income. Let your intuition guide you towards your most promising revenue streams– and if you get confused, don’t hesitate to ask questions.


    Erin River Sunday is the Lead Astrologer for Birthdate Co., you can find more info on her here


    Aries Season 2025: Healing Endeavors
    Keywords: Tenacity, Desire, Play, Innocence, Gumption, Gullibility, Instinct   

    • Planetary ruler: Mars

    • Modality: Cardinal

    • Triplicity (Element): Fire

    • Symbol: The Ram

    • Famous Archetypes: Reece Witherspoon, Elton John, Eddie Murphy, Diana Ross

    We celebrate the New Year on January 1st, but astrologically, we begin our new yearly cycle on March 20th, the first day of Aries Season. Aries is the first sign of the zodiac. Closing out the murky waters of Pisces season, we BURST onto the scene alongside the blooming of Spring. If Pisces is the womb, Aries is the birth canal.

    During Aries season, we all get a bit of its fiery gumption. It’s not the best time to navigate traffic jams or anything that requires an extended attention-span (patience will be at an all time LOW), but if you’re wanting to begin something new and fresh, now is the perfect time to spearhead it.

    That advice comes in with a grain of salt in 2025, though, because we’ll be experiencing a Venus Retrograde alongside much of the Aries season this year. In addition to eclipses…this Aries season is more unpredictable than ever, so it’s important to trust yourself and your intuition amidst the many changes unfolding.

    Aries is ruled by Mars, which is all about brute force and passion. Like the Ram, Aries people will not back down from a fight, so it’s important that they decide what is truly worth fighting for.

    This is a period ripe with beginnings, but that definitely doesn’t always equal completion. Mars is a quick energy, not necessarily longstanding. Take some time to think about what you can realistically complete alone, and where you might need some help in reaching the finish line.


    Journal prompts to connect with Aries energy:

    1. What am I fighting for?

    2. How do I connect to my Divine Masculine?

    3. Where do I need to look back, before I can move forward?

    In addition to all the regular Aries season stuff, 2025 features some of the biggest astrological moments of the year…

    2025 Aries Season Highlights

    • Thursday, March 20th: Sun enters Aries

    • Thursday, March 27th: Venus Rx enters Pisces

    • Saturday, March 29th: New Moon Partial Solar Eclipse in Aries

    • Saturday, March 29th: Mercury Rx enters Pisces

    • Sunday, March 30th: Neptune enters Aries

    • Friday, April 4th: Saturn sextile Uranus

    • Monday, April 7th: Mercury stations Direct (26° Pisces)

    • Saturday, April 12th: 23° Libra Full Moon 

    • Saturday, April 12th: Venus stations Direct (24° Pisces)

    • Wednesday, April 16th: Mercury enters Aries

    • Friday, April 18th: Mars enters Leo


    If you'd like to dig a bit deeper and are familiar with your birth chart, check out which house Aries rules. That's where your energy will be focused throughout Aries season! And if you're unfamiliar with your chart but curious to learn more, we’ve got a book for that.


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