Horoscopes for 2024

    Horoscopes for 2024


    2024 Horoscopes

    Our Lead Astrologer, Erin River Sunday, wrote these horoscopes based on your Rising/Ascendant sign. Don’t know your Rising Sign? The Birthdate Book can help!


    Abundance arrives through networking in your day to day life in 2024. Your relationships with your siblings will greatly improve and feel expansive and supportive to your growth. You’re learning how to focus on yourself and release the partnerships that have outlived their ultimate purpose in your life this coming year. It’s the year to be selfish! There’s likely to be radical change in your friend groups…powerful friendships will be entering your life and transforming the way you’re seen in group settings and among peers- leadership roles are likely!


    Taureans are set to be financially abundant in 2024. You will be under a lucky star when it comes to earning money and will be able to easily attract opportunities for building wealth– so stay open to all opportunities. You’re also becoming more spiritual this year and might be needing alone time more than in the past. You could see changes around your 9-5 work life because you’re wanting to find more meaning in the day to day. You will meet powerful people in your career and become more powerful at the office yourself, too. Own it!


    2024 spells abundance for Geminis. More opportunities, expansive ideas, and ultimately an expansion of self. Showing up authentically will pay off so don’t be afraid to take up a lot of space. You could have new friends coming into your life and will be preoccupied with the many groups you’re part of and varying friendship circles. Simultaneously you could be learning hard lessons in your career and might be feeling blocked at the office…but focus on the maturity of your work and the legacy you leave behind. Your beliefs are set to be powerfully transformed, possibly because of life changing travel.


    You’re becoming much more spiritual in 2024 and are very likely to have psychic experiences. Your intuition will be high and should be trusted, which goes hand in hand with needing more rest and benefiting from alone time. You’re also moving to new heights in your career. You’re very hungry for growth at work while releasing needs and previous lives around home life. There could be a move or a job change on the horizon. Merging with other people will be powerful medicine– and serve your ultimately healing, so be as vulnerable as possible. This work includes combining finances and opening up about the more intense aspects of life like death and sex!


    You’re set to make lots of new friends in 2024 and to be quite popular– whether online or IRL. Stay open to the many new people entering your life and trust their genuine support and excitement about your endeavors. Immensely powerful one on one partnerships will begin in the coming year as well. Transformation will occur in this area whether in marriage, business partnerships, intimate friendships, or all of the above. There could also be a move to a new place, and at minimum an increasing interest in travel and/or higher learning. Still facing lessons around worth and financial agreements with other people. 


    Your career will be blessed with abundance in 2024. New projects, clients, and an “ask and you shall receive” energy is surrounding you and your career. People’s opinion of you is highly favorable and expanding, so don’t be afraid to put yourself out there and see how you’re received. Relationships are getting a lot more serious and could present restrictions, but it’s all about maturity and setting foundations for the long-term. Learning lessons around partnership will be a central focus. Your day to day life is also evolving in some way, where you work could change, and you might be meeting powerful people at the office.


    It should come as music to Librans ears that you’re moving towards partnership in 2024 like never before. You’re craving one on one connections and understanding how showing up authentically is important to support the other person. Travel will also be a highlight, as will publishing and learning new things. It’s a great year to write a book or travel the world! You’re still learning possibly frustrating lessons around 9-5 life and what you want your work life to look like. You could have powerful new romantic connections enter the scene and a possibility for children. You have a deep craving for 2024 to romance you.


    Release will be cathartic and supportive for Scorpios in 2024. While you might be faced with several endings, they are likely to arrive with a blessing. All the space you’re clearing is making room for powerful collaboration to arrive. You will benefit from committed partnerships, financially especially. You’re moving towards new work, possibly a new job or else your day to day work life is very busy. Powerful changes on the home front, too, you could be moving some place entirely different or taking your power back from roommates. Your relationships with parents could be tested.


    Sagittarius’ one on one partnerships, including marriage and business partners, will be under a lucky star in 2024. These relationships will feel expansive and supportive. You might be meeting new people that bring great joy into your life and help you grow. Creativity is also an abundant source of inspiration. You’re embracing new ways of expressing yourself and letting go of any friendships that don’t support your authentic expression. There will be intense transformation in the way you’re communicating and powerful exchanges in day to day life, and possibly in relationship to siblings.


    Capricorns have a very healthy year ahead in 2024. Any resistance to being a healthier person will dissipate and healthy routines will become supportive and nourishing in your day to day life. You’re extremely focused on the home and living environment, and less concerned (which is rare!) about being in the office. You’re striving for the ultimate work/life balance this year. Transformational relationship with finances begins…this will unfold and transform over the next couple decades, so you’re slowly reevaluating your relationship with money and how it relates to self-worth.


    Romance will bloom for you in 2024, Aquarius. You’re getting creative about the way you connect with other people and will be nurturing your inner-child with ease– which improves everything else. Rather than traveling abroad, you’re more focused on your local community and your day to day life, likely very busy with siblings and daily communication. You’re getting serious about your finances and might be learning hard lessons around how you earn money. You’re becoming an entirely new version of yourself this year and people are beginning to recognize the extreme power that you hold.


    Gifts and abundance are coming your way on the homefront in 2024, Pisces. You will feel very comfortable at home and might be redecorating or even buying your own place with ease. All ideas of “home” will feel expansive and supportive of your growth. You could be merging finances with your partner or else understanding the importance of making your own money and supporting yourself financially. Powerful transformation with your intuition and connection to spirituality. Trust your dreams more than ever and you can bring them into reality in the year ahead.


    2024 Astrological Themes:

    • Pluto enters Aquarius

    • Jupiter enters Gemini

    • Eclipses in Libra, Aries, and Pisces

    • Mercury retrogrades in fire signs

    • Mars retrograde in Leo and Cancer


    Please take what resonates from these horoscopes and leave the rest. From everyone on the Birthdate Co. team, here's to a magical 2024!

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